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Restorative Dentistry – Norwalk, CT

Restorative Dentistry

At Children’s Dental Care of Norwalk, we believe that every child deserves a smile that’s as vibrant as they are. That is why our dedicated team is committed to delivering exceptional restorative dental care, specifically tailored to meet the needs of children who have experienced dental damage or decay.

Understanding the specific needs and concerns of our young patients, we combine cutting-edge techniques with a compassionate approach to ensure their comfort and happiness. Explore our range of restorative dentistry services in Norwalk, CT, thoughtfully designed to keep your child’s smile healthy and bright.

Cavity Fillings

The consumption of sugary sweets and carbonated drinks can increase the risk of cavities in children. However, with proper treatment and care, dental decay does not have to result in significant issues. 

When a tooth develops a cavity, the affected portion of the tooth must be removed to prevent further deterioration. This leaves a void that needs to be filled, and that’s where fillings can help. Fillings are made of various materials such as composite resin, amalgam, or other suitable substances that are carefully chosen based on the tooth’s location and function. These materials are designed to mimic the appearance and strength of natural teeth.

What Fillings Do For Teeth

  • Restore functionality: Fillings allow the tooth to regain its normal function, letting your child eat and speak comfortably without discomfort.
  • Prevent further decay: By sealing the void left by the cavity, fillings prevent bacteria from entering and causing further decay or infection.
  • Maintain aesthetic appeal: Modern fillings can be closely matched to the natural tooth color, ensuring that your child’s smile remains beautiful and consistent.
  • Strengthen the tooth: Fillings support the structure of the tooth, making it more resilient and less prone to breakage.

Stainless Steel Crowns

When a tooth is too damaged for a traditional filling, stainless steel crowns offer a durable solution. These crowns are designed specifically for children, providing strength and function to primary teeth. Our dentists take the time to explain the process in a way that’s fun and relaxed for children. The use of stainless steel crowns often avoids the need for extractions, allowing the natural tooth to remain in place until it falls out naturally.


A pulpotomy is a specialized dental procedure often considered when a cavity has reached the pulp of a tooth in children. The pulp is the innermost part of the tooth, containing nerves and blood vessels that keep the tooth alive and nourished.

During a pulpotomy, the dentist carefully removes the damaged or infected part of the pulp from the crown portion of the tooth, while preserving the healthy part of the pulp in the roots. This approach maintains the vitality of the tooth, differentiating it from a complete root canal that might remove all of the pulp. Once the affected pulp is removed, a therapeutic dressing is applied to the remaining healthy pulp to promote healing and prevent any bacterial infection. The tooth is then sealed with a filling or a crown to protect it from further damage.


Extractions refer to the process of removing a tooth, which may become necessary for various reasons, such as severe decay, infection, or crowding. In children’s dental care, extractions are often considered as a last resort when other restorative options are not feasible.

The extraction process involves the following steps:

  • Evaluation: The tooth is carefully examined using x-rays to understand its structure and the surrounding bone.
  • Preparation: If extraction is determined to be the best course of action, the area is numbed with a local anesthetic to ensure your child’s comfort.
  • Removal: Using specialized tools, we will gently loosen the tooth from its socket and remove it.
  • Aftercare: Instructions for post-procedure care are provided, including guidance on eating, oral hygiene, and managing any discomfort.

At Children’s Dental Care of Norwalk, we understand the concerns parents and children may have regarding extractions. Our compassionate team prioritizes your child’s well-being, using gentle techniques and offering support throughout the process. We strive to create a positive experience, focusing on education and preparation to ensure both child and parent are comfortable and informed.

Trauma Treatment

Accidents happen, and dental trauma in children requires specialized care. That’s why we offer comprehensive treatment options tailored to your child’s specific injury.


Splinting is used to stabilize a tooth that has become loose or displaced due to trauma. Our experts use specialized materials to create a splint that holds the affected tooth securely in place, promoting healing. This process is handled with precision and care, ensuring minimal discomfort while preserving the tooth’s functionality and appearance.

Reimplantation & Stabilization

In cases where a tooth has been knocked out entirely, prompt action can save the tooth. Reimplantation involves carefully placing the tooth back into its socket and stabilizing it. This delicate procedure requires specialized knowledge and equipment, both of which our skilled team possesses. We provide clear instructions for immediate care and facilitate an emergency visit to achieve the best possible outcome.

Where Smiles Stay Healthy & Strong

At Children’s Dental Care of Norwalk, we’re not just caring for teeth; we’re nurturing smiles. Our dedicated team of professionals offers unparalleled restorative care in a child-centered environment. With a focus on education, comfort, and quality, we turn dental care into a delightful experience for both children and parents.

Let your child’s smile blossom with our expert care. Schedule an appointment today, and discover why Children’s Dental Care of Norwalk is the trusted choice for families seeking the best in pediatric restorative dentistry. Together, we’ll ensure your child’s smile remains as radiant and resilient as their spirit!

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